Following the
release of the BVision in late December 1998,
Eyetech has completely redesigned its BMon range
of high quality video switches to cater not just
for the BVision, but for all Amiga graphics cards
and scandoubler/flickerfixer combinations.
BMon takes two video inputs - one from an Amiga's
AA chipset (either directly or via a scandoubler/
flickerfixer) and the other from a graphics card
(BVision, Cybervision, Picasso, Ateo bus card
etc) - and switches your SVGA or multisync
monitor between them. The BMon uses high quality
video switchers so - unlike conventional
switchboxes - there is no loss of quality from
either source. It can also be used - in its SMon
form - for switching an SVGA monitor between a PC
and Amiga system.
standard the BMon accepts input from a BVision or
Cybervision card and from an Eyetech EZVGA
internal flickerfixer-2 . It is manually switched
by a remote miniature toggle switch positioned -
for example - on the front panel of a tower
system. An optional automatic switch controller
is currently under development and can be easily
added later.
BMon comes in a self-contained plastic case
(approx 55x50x15mm) and attachs to the back of
the case using Velco strips. It can easily be
mounted inside a tower system using any available
15pin 'D' type knock-out on the tower's rear
BMon is available in six different configurations
to suit most graphics card/Amiga video
configurations as follows: